Real people. Real success stories.
Latest News
  • Find Resources for Managing Chronic Pain
    Some Veterans continue to have issues from physical injuries that occurred while serving in the military. When it comes to chronic pain, you don’t have to just live with it.
  • Your online presence: Shhh! It’s not their business
    In today’s interconnected world, managing your online presence is more important than ever. Simple actions can make a significant difference in safeguarding your data and privacy on social media and gaming platforms and the internet, which are all increasingly targeted by bad actors.
  • Is Convenience Worth Your Privacy?
    In a world defined by technological advancements and digital innovation, the concepts of privacy, security, and convenience have taken center stage. Convenience allows everyday tasks to be simpler, faster, and more efficient. However, with the constant connectivity and data-driven nature of our activities, the balance between privacy, cybersecurity, and convenience is delicate, but critical.
  • TRICARE Online Patient Portal Decommissioning: Download Your Health Records Now
    On April 1, the TRICARE Online Patient Portal will no longer be available. The Department of Defense’s new electronic health record—MHS GENESIS—has replaced the TOL Patient Portal. As part of the transition, the DOD is decommissioning the TOL Patient Portal.
  • Veteran empowerment program seeking applicants for new season of adventures
    Are you a Veteran seeking to reconnect with your inner strength, find new purpose and build lasting connections? The Unbroken Spirit 2025 programs are here to guide you on a transformative journey toward personal growth and resilience.
  • VFW's 'Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship'
    The VFW's "Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship" provides service members and veterans with the financial assistance they need to complete their educational goals without incurring excessive student loan debt. It’s just another way for us to say “thank you” to those who fought for our freedoms.
  • Bluestar Families: Outdoor Explorers for All (OEA) Program is coming to your Chapter!
    Outdoor Explorers for All (OEA) Program is coming to select Chapters for another year of adventure in 2025! This year, OEA will be coming to New York; Utah; New England; Dayton, Ohio; Jacksonville, Florida; Puget Sound, Washington; and the National Capital Region.
  • PTSD treatment works: Resources from the National Center for PTSD
    Some people who’ve lived through a traumatic event—such as combat, a serious accident, sexual assault, or a natural disaster—will develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of PTSD, like flashbacks or avoiding certain places or people that remind you of the event, can make daily life challenging.
  • Cold Weather Injuries Peak in January, February
    CWI risk can be reduced if both unit leaders and service members are aware of the conditions and symptoms and how to prevent them.
  • Become an Air Force Junior ROTC instructor
    The Air Force is seeking highly motivated Air Force retirees and Veterans with at least 10 years of service in the ranks of captain through colonel and technical sergeant through chief master sergeant (associate’s degree required) who have a passion to instill core values and desire to pay their Air Force experience forward to high school students.
  • Recommend Resources
    Recommend Resources
    Have a great resource you’re excited to share? Use our Recommend a Resource tab located in the drop down menu to add your resource to PATRIOTlink.
  • Rate and report resources
    Rate and Report Resources
    If you found a resource you love or one that is no longer active, we want to hear from you. On the top of every program profile page, we offer you the opportunity to rate and report a resource. We look forward to hearing from you!
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